Find out Feng Shui for fun :: Head direction when sleeping (+ the secret to a good night’s sleep)
Where do you sleep with your head facing when you sleep?
I don’t believe in feng shui 100%, but I think it will have some effect 🙂
In the case of adults, the proper sleep period is 7 to 8 hours. If you do not sleep well, your body sends various signals such as poor concentration, severe emotional ups and downs, and weak immunity. Sleep plays an important role in our body to the extent that sleep is said to be the best medicine. 잠잘때 머리방향
It is said that when sleeping, the direction of the head is basically not facing the door, and it is good not to have a mirror on the opposite side of the bed. 좋은뉴스
Head direction when sleeping: East
East is the direction where the sun rises, and the season is said to mean spring. Sleeping with your head to the east, which is the direction of energy, improves thinking and concentration, so it is said to be suitable for growing children or those who need new ideas. It has also been handed down since ancient times that it is the best direction to sleep among the four directions of east, west, south, and north.
Head direction when sleeping: West
West is the direction the sun sets, and the season means autumn. The direction the sun goes down is not necessarily a bad thing. It is a direction in which the energy gradually fades, but it is said to be a good direction for the elderly or those who need stability in mind and body. If you are under a lot of stress, it is good to sleep with your head facing west.
Head direction when sleeping: South
South means daytime and season means summer. Since ancient times, it has been said that the south is the direction where energy comes in, so sleeping with your head on this side is said to bring you longevity. However, it is said that it is not good for those who are under a lot of stress or have a lot of fever. Also, the south is a sunny location, so if you suffer from insomnia, this is a direction to avoid.
Head direction when sleeping: North
The north is a direction with a lot of yin and means winter in terms of seasons. Since ancient times, it has been said that you should not sleep with your head to the north when bowing in the direction of death. It is said that the northern part prevents you from achieving deep sleep, and your work may get messed up due to disturbed dreams such as pressing scissors.
honey sleeping secrets
1) The direction of the head is the opposite direction of the electronic product
– If possible, avoid large electronics in your bedroom. And if you have no choice but to place electronic products, keep them as far away from your head as possible to avoid electromagnetic waves affecting you during sleep.
2) Only sleep in the bedroom
– Some people watch TV or play on their phones in their bedroom, eat snacks, and do some work. However, the bedroom should be imprinted on our bodies as a space for sleeping only. Also, it is more effective if you decide to wear specific clothes or gowns to wear when sleeping.
3) A cup of hot tea after taking a warm shower
– After taking a warm shower before going to bed, drinking warm milk or tea will help you get a good night’s sleep as your mind and body are stabilized mentally and physically. Milk contains nutrients necessary for the formation of melatonin, and herbal teas that do not contain caffeine are good.
4) If I can’t sleep, I’d rather get up and read a paper book.
– If you can’t sleep, get up, dim the lights as much as possible, and read a book or newspaper to help you fall asleep. At this time, rather than choosing politics, current events, or business topics, read literature or poetry.