휴면예금 찾아줌 Find dormant deposits

Dormant deposit inquiry
Last time, I looked for hidden money (find dormant deposits) by using the National Banking Association’s dormant account integrated inquiry service to search dormant accounts of banks (no transaction for more than 5 years), post offices, insurance companies, and the People’s Finance Agency.

☞ Inquiry into dormant accounts of the National Federation of Banks 휴면예금 찾아줌

휴면예금 찾아줌
Dormant account integration inquiry (National Federation of Banks), start to find hidden money deposited 좋은뉴스

Dormant Accounts (Dormant Passbooks) Accounts suspended because there is no deposit/withdrawal history for a certain period among the accounts of financial institutions such as banks, post offices, securities companies, and insurance companies are called dormant accounts (dormant passbooks). Banks are usually 1 year or more (balance less than 10,000 won), 2 years


It is possible to inquire on the dormant account integration inquiry site, but it is not possible to apply for payment. Application for payment of dormant deposits can be processed from finding sleeping money to payment at once by using the dormant deposit retrieval service of the Financial Services Agency.


Appeared in dormant deposits by the People’s Finance Agency
Dormant deposits are donated to the Financial Services Agency for low-income earners according to the Act on Support for Low-income Financial Life and the agreement between financial companies and the Financial Services Agency to contribute to dormant deposits.

The types of deposits contributed by the Financial Promotion Agency for the Low People are dormant deposits and dormant insurance money that have expired on or after January 1, 2003; It is the actual owner’s negligence that KFTC received and managed for more than 10 years.



Dormant Deposit Locator Site (Find Dormant Accounts)
To find dormant deposits, access the Dormant Deposit Finder (sleepmoney.kinfa.or.kr) of the Financial Services Agency.

Find dormant deposits at the Financial Services Agency for the common people
– Dormant deposit inquiry and payment application

Dormant deposit inquiry and payment application
– privacy usage agreement

– Enter your resident registration number

– Joint certificate (authorized certificate) authentication

– Payment application account selection and application

Select dormant deposit payment application account
– Choose to deposit or donate to your account

Application for dormant deposit payment
Enter details (name, phone number, address, financial company, account number) when selecting your own account


Application for payment of dormant deposit account
When selecting a donation, enter details (name, phone number, address, donation information, whether to receive news from the Promotion Agency, consent to personal information)


Application for donation of dormant deposit
– Mobile phone or ARS authentication

Dormant deposit payment certification
– Check application details

Inquiry of dormant deposit application details
The amount that can be paid through the Dormant Deposit Retrieval (Dormant Account Retrieval) service of the Financial Services Agency is 10 million won or less, and is usually deposited within 10 minutes of applying for payment. If the amount exceeds 10 million won, you must visit the branch of the relevant financial company or visit the Financial Integration Support Center for the common people to apply for payment.


In addition, when applying for payment of dormant deposits, online payment is only possible if the name of the depositor and the name of the account holder in the paying bank account are the same.


If you apply for payment in person, the payment will be transferred to your account after 6:30 pm on the same day you submit the application for payment, and related documents may differ for each financial institution, so please inquire with the relevant financial company.


In addition, the donated dormant deposits are used for financial support and non-financial support projects (self-reliance and self-reliance for those who have difficulty using financial companies due to low credit and income).