치매전문교육 스마트e러닝 Dementia specialized education smart e-learning

Dementia specialized education smart e-learning
In modern society where the aging era is unavoidable, care skills are needed to understand the characteristics of dementia and form relationships. Learn smart e-learning online now when you need professional training to provide appropriate salary and develop your skills.

치매전문교육 스마트e러닝

The National Health Insurance Corporation’s dementia specialized education smart e-learning can be learned on smart devices or mobile devices that support computers and PC-based web services. Because data is used a lot, we recommend using Wi-Fi on mobile. 치매전문교육 스마트e러닝


People who have paid the education fee in advance go through a separate process and take classes online, so they do not sign up separately. We will study until January 15th and move on to the next round. 좋은뉴스


Dementia specialized education smart e-learning
From April 1, 2021, you can log in to smart e-learning and receive specialized dementia education. You can authenticate by carrying your own cell phone, or you can try it with a credit card or i-PIN.


Curriculum is divided into subjects such as program manager, visiting care, and facilities, and the amount of learning is determined. The course consists of 33 classes, 5 to 10 classes, and you must complete 100% of the learning progress rate and complete a survey.



Dementia specialized education smart e-learning




Let’s read the method of self-certification and the table of contents on the dementia specialized education website.


It is said that you can enter your name and the first digit of your resident registration number and enter the last 4 digits of your mobile phone number at first. If you fail to authenticate yourself, you will not be able to receive dementia specialized training and smart e-learning, so you must prepare.


Let’s take a step forward in national health through smart e-learning, specialized dementia education for related workers, and prepare for an aging society.