60대 일자리 구하기 Looking for a job in your 60s

As I got older, finding a job became a little more difficult. Also, a lot of jobs have been lost due to corona. There are various job search websites, but there are people who have a hard time finding a job search site for those in their 60s. So, I would like to inform you of a site for jobs in your 60s. We hope that you will be successful in your job search through the site mentioned below. 60대 일자리 구하기

60대 일자리 구하기


Looking for a job in your 60s 좋은뉴스

So what are some sites where you can find jobs in your 60s? It is a site called Adult Worknet. You can easily access it through an internet search. Or you can go directly through the link below.




>> Go to the Senior Worknet homepage <<



This site is operated by the Ministry of Employment and Labor. Adult Worknet supports various services as well as job information, so I think it’s a good choice to look around.




You can find a job through a search similar to a general job search site through the Adult Worknet. You can search in detail by setting the job type, region, career, education, and desired wage.



Looking for a job in your 60s

Worknet for the elderly operates job change support service, lifetime career planning service, social contribution activity support project, middle-aged job hope center, etc.


-The job change support service provides specialized employment start-up support tailored services to retirees (scheduled) over the age of 40.

-Life career planning service is a service that helps you design your future and prepare for the second half of your life in advance.

-The social contribution activity support project is a service that reconsiders management capabilities and provides social services to social enterprises and non-profit organizations.

-The middle-aged job hope center is a service that provides free comprehensive services tailored to the middle-aged and older by working stage.




>> Go to the Senior Worknet homepage <<




In this way, Middle Aged Worknet provides various services. Please look through the above site to find jobs for those in their 60s and apply for a job.