If you want to know the sound and meaning of a Chinese character but don’t know how to find it, how can you find it? Using Naver’s Chinese character handwriting input device, you can easily find Chinese characters by drawing them with a mouse or finger. If you roughly draw a shape on the handwriting input device, it will find several similar Chinese characters. The accuracy is so high that you can search even with bad handwriting without any problems.
Naver Chinese character handwriting input is a free program, so it can be used directly on PC Internet and mobile web pages without the need to install a separate app. However, to find Chinese characters using a microphone or camera other than a handwriting input device, you must install the Naver Dictionary app. 네이버 한자 필기입력기
Naver Chinese character handwriting input device
Adding Naver Chinese Character Dictionary to the home screen 좋은뉴스
Naver Chinese character handwriting input device
On mobile devices, simply access the Chinese character dictionary page through Chrome, Samsung Internet, or iPhone Safari.
Search Naver Chinese Character Dictionary and go to the corresponding page. ▶Go to Naver Chinese Character Dictionary
Naver Chinese Character Dictionary
Click the handwriting button at the bottom of the Chinese character dictionary search term input.
Naver Chinese character handwriting input device
When the handwriting input device appears, draw the desired Chinese character with your finger. Select the Chinese character you are looking for from several lists.
Naver Chinese character handwriting input device
If you click the result in the search list again, you can check the detailed pronunciation, meaning, radicals, etc. of the Chinese character.
Find Chinese characters on Naver
You must install the Naver Dictionary app to use the microphone function to search by recording and the camera search function to search by taking a photo.
Find Chinese characters with the camera
If you press the button on the far right, you can perform advanced searches such as searching by sound or number of strokes, or searching by contained words. You can also search by radicals or shapes.
Find Chinese characters by radicals
Likewise, on a PC, you can use the Chinese character handwriting input device by simply pressing a button.
Naver Chinese character handwriting input device
In addition, let’s learn how to add a shortcut to Naver Chinese Character Dictionary to the smartphone home screen.
Adding Naver Chinese Character Dictionary to the home screen
Written based on the Galaxy Samsung Internet app. You can also add icons to mobile Chrome or iPhone Safari using a similar path.
On the Chinese character dictionary page, press the menu button and then click Add Current Page.
Add Chinese character dictionary home screen
After pressing the home screen, set a name and press the Add button.
Add Chinese character dictionary home screen
After checking the icon shape and pressing the Add button, a shortcut icon will be created on the background.
Create a Galaxy Wallpaper Icon
We also checked how to use Naver’s Chinese character input device and how to create an icon on the smartphone background. After actually using it, it seems that the fastest way to search for Chinese characters is to use a handwriting input device or take a picture with a camera. Please note that if you install the Naver Dictionary app, you can search Chinese characters by taking pictures of them with your camera.