세대주 변경 Change of head of household

The word “head of household” is often seen as a condition related to loans for jeonse funds such as various government subsidies, housing subscriptions, and young newlyweds. If changes are required, you can apply online at Government 24. Here’s an easy way to apply online. Changing the head of household The head of a household … Read more

중도퇴사자 연말정산 Year-end settlement of late retirees

One of the things to worry about when leaving the company mid-year is the year-end settlement. Obviously, the application process is different from when you work for a company. From now on, I will tell you about the year-end tax settlement method and related information for those who left mid-term. Please read carefully and make … Read more

농업경영체등록확인서 Agricultural business registration confirmation

If you are a farmer who has absolutely nothing to do with owning the land and is currently farming, it is recommended to apply for the issuance of an agricultural business registration certificate and receive various benefits. Learn how to apply offline and online. National Agricultural Products Quality Management Institute How to issue an agricultural … Read more

도로교통공단 이러닝센터 Road Traffic Authority e-Learning Center

If you are over the age of 65, you must complete traffic safety education for senior drivers to renew your driver’s license for road safety. In addition, if you are over the age of 75, the requirements for renewing your driver’s license will be strengthened. Traffic safety education for elderly drivers is provided by the … Read more

NH농협카드 고객센터 NH Nonghyup Card Customer Center

When using a credit card, the customer center is often used to check the card usage performance and card usage history. However, other times, when using a credit card is inconvenient and the problem cannot be resolved, they urgently visit the customer center. Therefore, it is never a good thing for customers to contact customer … Read more